Anna Sayce – The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022
How will it feel to know that you have an effective way to help clients:
- Get closure on break-ups
- Release attachments to past partners
- Heal from past difficult experiences
- Recover from abusive relationships
- Improve existing relationships
- And free themselves up to attract positive, new relationships and experiences into their lives
All of this can be achieved through intuitive healing, which is now available to learn through Anna’s Professional Intuitive Healing Program.
What’s Cord Cutting?
Cord cutting is a modality that essentially allows us to cut the cord to a person or a situation, permanently upgrading our energy and releasing old relationship patterns that no longer serve us. It can be used for all kinds of relationships and situations, including romantic relationships, family, friendships and professional relationships.
It has not only been the most rewarding part of my past work with clients, but it is also the healing modality that has personally helped me massively in my personal and professional life.
Like many people who fit the archetype of the ‘wounded healer’, I came into this world with a couple of recent traumatic past lives behind me, and a difficult early life waiting for me.
I was born into a family with a narcissistic parent who was emotionally abusive. I also grew up with a sibling who I felt was a sociopath, and who made our home life very chaotic and traumatic while we were growing up. My brother was later diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and after a 20 year descent into drug addiction, passed away 3 years ago.
These early life experiences left their mark. I found myself in abusive relationships and dangerous situations in my twenties, because I had not learned how to protect myself, as a result of what I grew up with, and what I was used to. Although I had certain privileges, I also know what it is like to struggle, hard.
The task that Spirit gave me, if I was willing to take it on, was to move beyond the dysfunction, create healthy relationships, embrace my soul’s purpose, and create a thriving business which would give me independence.
I managed all of the above, although it took me years and much of the path was walked alone.
I also found tools which helped me along the way. I cut around 50 of my own cords, I released earthbound spirits, and I went into therapy. The intuitive healing tools and techniques I learned were the key to my resilience and healing.
The beautiful thing about all of this was that my experiences motivated me to learn to work with other people with their own healing, and I spent years as an intuitive healer. In my view, there is no other work that I have done, that is more rewarding than to facilitate healing for another person.
Learn Anna’s ‘secret weapons’ for healing and resilience, for yourself and for your clients:
1. Cord cutting
2. Earthbound spirit release work & working with enmeshed earthbound spirits
3. Cleansing the aura of a variety of astral debris and clutter (including negative thought forms, emotional residues, unwanted influencing energy and psychic ties.)
First, What Are Negative Cords?
When you have a significant relationship with someone (or an impactful experience involving someone else) you form 2 energetic ties to that person.
The good energies of the relationship – the positive, easy, happy ones are reflected in a spiritual connection between the two parties.
And then the shadow side of the relationship, is reflected in a different energetic structure, and this is the negative cord. This cord contains the heavy, challenging energies of the relationship and it is an actual energetic structure that connects your aura to theirs. Both parties contribute negative energies into this cord, which affect both of you, along with your emotional health.
There are ways to eliminate the impact negative cords have on our emotional lives and our relationships. And that’s what cord cutting does. It effectively limits how much influence the negative patterns of a relationship/encounter (past or present) have on us. And it’s not a temporary solution – it has a permanent effect on the energy field.
(Note that cord cutting is not always about letting go of challenging relationships altogether – it can also be about letting go of the negative patterns within existing relationships.)
So Why Learn to Cut Cords?
As a professional intuitive, I got into this field because I wanted to help people with the things that really matter in their lives. I have always wanted to help people to heal.
I saw this as my calling and my soul’s mission. I knew I was a healer.
I started feeling this calling strongly when I was 23 and working as a teacher in a language school in the Spanish Pyrenees, and I realised I was going to be very restricted in how I could pursue it, if I remained working as a teacher. And so I trained as an intuitive instead.
I loved working as an intuitive and an Akashic Record reader, and it was a huge step in the right direction for me (compared with working in a language school.) But once I was working in the intuitive field, I still felt a sense of limitation around how much I could help my clients.
Don’t get me wrong – intuitives, counsellors and coaches do very good work with their clients (I say that as someone who is a professional intuitive who also has been helped very much by psychotherapy/coaching.)
But when you are a coach, a psychic, a Tarot reader, or a counsellor for that matter, there is a limit to what you can help a client with, when they come into your practice, grieving a loss or a break up, healing from trauma, dealing with the aftermath of abuse/violence, or having relationship or family issues.
In those situations, professional intuitives are restricted to delivering insight (rather than healing) and therapists usually need time for their work to make an impact.
But when I trained as a cord cutting practitioner,
I experienced the satisfaction of being able to help people rather quickly with these issues, on a deeper level than I was able to before.
The reason for this is because as a cord cutting practitioner, I was suddenly working with the Divine realm (Ascended Masters and Archangels) and they brought the healing energy of the session to my client (and these are not beings we ordinarily have access to when we work as psychics, coaches, Tarot readers or counsellors.)
In addition, I was also using my channelling ability to validate my client’s experience within the relationship and deliver impactful intuitive insights, and I was using other therapeutic techniques to help my client to extract the life lessons from the relationship.
The result was often very transformative for clients. I found myself regularly cutting cords for people that were at the centre of deep karmic complexes for their souls.
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